Qual vs. Quant: The Chips & Salsa Demo


Speaker 1:
What do you know about why we're here together today?

Speaker 2:
We're going to try some chips and salsa.

Speaker 3:
Eat chips and judge them.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 6:
So who here eats snack food from time to time? Raise your hands.

Speaker 7:
We all do.

Speaker 8:

Speaker 1:
Show of hands. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 9:
Yes, probably like every day.

Speaker 1:
Are you satisfied by the way they perform?

Speaker 2:
They typically do successfully transport the salsa to my mouth, yeah.

Speaker 5:
So let's go ahead and start with A group of the chips.

Speaker 7:
The crunch is good.

Speaker 1:
Just based on chip alone, which is your favorite? Okay.

Speaker 2:

Speaker 1:

Speaker 10:
I'll do that one, yeah.

Speaker 1:
Really? See with me, third bowl. Personally, didn't get any flavor from those.

Speaker 7:
I like-

Speaker 8:
I like the first one.

Speaker 7:
... first one.

Speaker 4:
Definitely these because you can eat them by themselves.

Speaker 3:
Well, I haven't dipped yet, but I think it's the blue.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 9:
I just like the way it tastes.

Speaker 5:
Number two?

Speaker 9:
Number two.

Speaker 12:
It's going to be the middle one for me, but that's because also the independence of the chip from the dip.

Speaker 6:
All right, so let's try starting with salsa number A.

Speaker 4:
I'm going to go with the bland ones so I can taste it.

Speaker 1:
Whoa. Is that pineapple?

Speaker 6:
Okay, so now that you guys have tried all the sauces, which is the best quality?

Speaker 4:
I'd agree.

Speaker 8:
I agree, the middle one.

Speaker 4:
I like that one.

Speaker 6:
And which one would you say is the worst quality?

Speaker 7:
The green.

Speaker 4:
Yeah, the green one.

Speaker 13:
That one.

Speaker 1:
If you had a scoop, which one of these three sauces would you scoop?

Speaker 10:
Honestly, that one.

Speaker 1:

Speaker 2:
Yeah, I kind like this one the best, honestly.

Speaker 1:
See I'm going against you guys. I'm going with the third.

Speaker 10:
Maybe if that one got beefed up with more things.

Speaker 3:
I think for me it's good, better, best.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 9:
I feel like these are both best.

Speaker 5:

Speaker 9:
Because I put them in two different categories.

Speaker 5:
Comparable, but different.

Speaker 12:

I'm going to steal her answer and say, both of these.

Speaker 5:
People eat tortilla chips and salsa because...

Speaker 9:
It's a great snack.

Speaker 12:
They're good.

Speaker 3:
They're good. I like it.

Speaker 10:
I think it's just like an easy thing.

Speaker 2:
I don't think I've ever met someone who's like, "Oh, I don't like chips and salsa."